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About Melbourne OT 4 Kids

Melbourne Occupational Therapy 4 Kids is an Occupational Therapy service supporting preschool and primary schools in the Whitehorse municipality and surrounding suburbs.  It is a school and preschool based service, addressing the needs of children 0 – 12 years old.


At Melbourne Occupational Therapy 4 Kids we work closely with children, parents, teachers and other important people to develop skills and capacity, to increase participation and inclusion in everyday activities. We share strategies and ideas and incorporate therapy into practical and everyday activities.  By providing relevant and evidence based therapy, children are empowered to be the best they can be, in the things they love to do or have to do.  Our aim is to facilitate real change, where it matters most.


The focus of Melbourne OT 4 Kids is on participation, skill development and capacity building in everyday activities.


This may include activities:


at school, preschool and childcare like handwriting, scissor skills, fine motor skills for art and the classroom, gross motor skills for PE, sport and playground games,


at home like showering, dressing, eating, toileting, chores, routines


during leisure/play time, either independent or community based, like riding a bike, playing in a team, imaginative play, developing skills to participate in a chosen interest


Social competence, emotional regulation, focused and sustained attention and self management/organisation are important in the development of all these skill areas.

Girl in Classroom

School & Preschool Based OT

Melbourne OT 4 Kids supports children, parents and teachers in the preschool and school settings. An assessment may be recommended and weekly therapy sessions provided during school terms within school hours.  Therapy is provided in the child's classroom or a quiet room close to the classroom.  Regular and ongoing communication with the child's parents and teacher makes working towards common goals easy and achievable, assisting the generalisation of skills learnt in OT to the classroom and other environments.


Boy Doodling

School & Preschool Screening Programs

Melbourne OT 4 Kids provides screening programs to preschool and primary schools. All children are screened in selected areas of development, for example: handwriting, fine motor and scissor skills.  Preschools and schools can then extend this screening program to include follow up therapy programs and teacher and aide education and training. Programs are tailored to the needs of preschool or school.


Kids Playing Soccer

Home Based OT



Girl with Drawing



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